The 15 best herbal teas to lose weight

6. Cranberry Infusion

Consuming blueberries can help reduce inflammation, according to a study. To reach these conclusions, the researchers divided the participants into two groups; one group received a diet that included an equivalent of 1.5 cups of blueberries, while the other group followed a control diet that did not include fruit. At the end of the experiment, the group that consumed blueberries had less inflammation than their counterparts that did not consume the berry.

7. Red tea infusion

According to researchers, the polyphenols and flavonoids found in the plant inhibit adipogenesis, (formation of new fat cells by 22%). Its chemical components also help the metabolism in the burning of fats. Plus, red tea is naturally sweet, so you don’t have to add sugar to it.

8. Yerba mate infusion

Yerba mate is known for its powerful thermogenic effects, which means that it becomes a calorie-tracking and burning mechanism in your body. It also stimulates fat loss, thanks to the balanced reduction of insulin.

9. Mint infusion

There are some smells that can make you want to eat; others can actually suppress your appetite. A study published in the US Journal of Neurological found that people who inhaled peppermint and took it every two hours lost an average of 5 pounds per month. So, the intake, two or three times a day will keep you out of the pantry.

10. Infusion of chamomile and lavender

Chamomile and lavender tackle fatigue and depression by reducing the stress that comes with insomnia. Reducing stress prevents inflammation levels, which have been directly linked to weight and blood sugar, from increasing. A German study found that chamomile infusion significantly improved physical symptoms related to lack of sleep, and even helped reduce levels of depression in chronic sleeplessness.

Herbal teas

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