How to lose pounds quickly by following these tips

You don’t need to count calories, cut calories, or cut carbs to quickly change the way your body feels. There are healthy and sustainable ways to reduce bloating and feel fitter (if that’s your goal) without deprivation. We’ll guide you to some ways to lose pounds quickly in ways you didn’t know about.

How to lose pounds quickly by following these tips?

After all, losing weight is not the same as losing fat. It is relatively easy to drop a few pounds of water weight. Here are the best tricks to speed up your metabolism and improve your daily routine in a matter of days.

Drink two glasses of water before each meal

It sounds counterintuitive, but you need to drink water to lose water. In addition to drinking a minimum of 1.80 liters, front-loading meals with two cups of water are recommended for maximum appetite reduction; it will make you feel full and help you eat less. Avoid club soda and sparkling water as they cause bloating.

Reduce swelling

The difference between feeling thin or bloated can be a couple of pounds of water. You can retain up to 2.5 kilos of extra fluid. It is suggested to drink tea that removes water such as dandelion or fennel. To lose pounds quickly from retained water, there are other elixirs that can help: prepare a juice with a mixture focused on celery and parsley, one or the other or together, or take a 500-milligram parsley capsule twice a day.

Get eight hours of sleep to lose pounds quickly

When you sleep between seven and a half and eight hours, your body is better equipped to rid itself of stress hormones and your metabolism improves. And taking a vitamin D3 supplement daily can help you sleep better and therefore also improve weight loss.

One theory is that when D3 is low, hunger hormones rise, and when you’re not deficient in vitamin D, melatonin, the body’s natural sleep aid, works more effectively.

Try fasting overnight

Stop eating at least two hours before bed to give your body time to digest, allowing you to sleep better. Most people need seven to nine hours of sleep, and too little sleep can wreak havoc on your appetite.

After just one night of sleep deprivation, your metabolism may shift to craving more processed carbohydrates, resulting in overeating.

Avoid processed foods

Which means not only skipping the obvious culprits (chips, cookies, candy) but also anything that’s prepackaged (bread, pasta, store-bought cheese) and even canned tuna and almond milk, which can be chock-full of sodium and sugar, respectively.

Opt for whole wheat bread from a local bakery; It won’t be heavily processed and avoid anything made with white flour (it has no nutritional value). Also skip all dairy, including Greek yogurt. Foods that offer the most volume for your calories (think fruits, vegetables, and broth-based soups) help you feel fuller psychologically and physically.

Strengthen your core

Strengthening your body’s natural corset muscles is always a good idea. It is suggested to do this simple but powerful plank sequence every day: Get into a plank or plank position (forearms on the floor, core and glutes hooked, legs straight) facing a wall and at least an arm’s length apart.

While keeping your core centered, don’t move from side to side, alternate tapping the wall with each hand as many times as possible in one minute. Repeat five times. The goal: each round, hit the wall more times.

Get rid of alcohol completely

Not a single sip. First, it affects your sleep, and we know that in turn it affects your metabolism and hunger cravings. Two, it definitely makes you retain more fluid. The third and most damaging reason: You don’t burn any other fat or calories until your body gets rid of that 100, 200, or 300 calorie cocktails, so you’re falling behind in terms of calories – burn from the start.

Try high intensity interval training (HIIT)

Your spin class will burn calories, but it won’t give you the powerful post-burn effect of high-intensity interval training. This circuit is recommended:

For each exercise, go as fast and intensely as you can for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of rest. Repeat the sequence four to six times.

  • Fast feet.
  • 180-degree squat jumps.
  • Squat with side kick (alternate legs).
  • Finish with two push-ups and four climbs.

Focus on protein and fiber

Both stabilize blood sugar levels, and since they take longer to digest, they will keep you full longer. Some examples: chia pudding with berries for breakfast, a green salad with shrimp for lunch, and wild salmon with roasted cauliflower for dinner.

Consider restricted time in eating

Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can have enormous benefits, but the practice is difficult to follow. Time-restricted eating is suggested when you fast for 12 to 14 hours between dinner and breakfast. You get the metabolic boost to eat dinner earlier and because you sleep while you fast you won’t be tempted.

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