8 ways to avoid overeating so you can lose weight

One of the biggest challenges when trying to lose weight is to stop overeating. While sufficient food intake is absolutely essential in order not to starve, there is no reason to overeat. So how do you know when you’ve had enough to eat?

Although it seems something simple, there are many people who eat out of craving, with disorder, with bad combinations and other bad habits, after which overeating becomes very common, even if they do not know it, and this undoubtedly avoids that you can lose weight normally.

8 ways to avoid overeating

To take better advantage of the distribution of food in the diet, and in order to achieve a diet without excesses, you can follow some of the following tips:

1. Never forget breakfast.

If you are one of the people who needs to get up very early to meet certain schedules, and you do not have time for a good breakfast, the ideal is that you get up about 20 minutes before, in order to enjoy a proper breakfast, since this can have very important effects for weight loss. People who eat healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates for breakfast tend to choose smaller meals for the rest of the day. You can guide yourself with some of the following healthy breakfasts:

2. Eat every 4 hours.

Instead of eating large amounts of meals 3 times a day, eating small meals or snacks such as fruit or a small handful of unsalted nuts every 4 hours, in order to avoid extreme hunger, is a very good option. Eating regularly maintains normal blood sugar levels, along with energy levels, which in turn prevents overeating to eliminate hunger.

3. Incorporate protein into your diet.

A study found that women who consumed 30% of their calories from protein were more satisfied and less hungry than those who ate 18% of their calories from protein. The argument, therefore, is that a protein should always be included in every meal. You can incorporate for example eggs, fish and chicken, since they are the best lean sources of protein of animal origin. Also nuts, beans, lentils, and tofu are great vegetarian options.

4.Keep a food diary.

It is advisable to  write what you eat and how you feel after your intake. Doing so will make you more aware of your food choices and will likely lead to breaking such bad habits as overeating. Just make sure to be honest.

5. Avoid eating late at night.

There is a strong connection between how late we go to bed and how much we eat, according to a study. It turns out that one bad habit can lead to another. Do yourself a favor and improve your health in every way. Try to go to bed at a reasonable time, getting the 8 hours of rest is equivalent to eating less and being able to lose weight.

6. Eat slowly.

Eating slowly and mindfully can boost digestive function and send signals to your brain that let you know you’re full before you overeat. This is important, as it takes about 20 minutes after eating for the brain to register that you are satiated and full.

7. Eat whole, unprocessed foods.

Go from frozen meals to whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Processed foods don’t fill you up the way whole foods do, so this is a very important point to keep in mind.

8.Start dinner with a salad.

It’s not just because salads are good for you, but green foods are high in water content, helping you feel full before you hit the high-calorie main dish.

With these tips you will surely achieve improvements in your habits in order to consume food in its proper measure, avoiding excess, in order to make weight reduction possible.


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