This is what I had to eat to lose more than 20 kilos

Do you remember the first time you tried to lose weight? It’s a shocking experience because it doesn’t take long before you discover what you like and what you don’t like, or even what works or doesn’t work. For some people, exercise is natural, while for others, their strengths lie in the kitchen. In almost all cases, trying to find the balance between healthy lifestyles and healthy food choices to eat is where many people hesitate. The following is a list of women and their journeys showing what they ate on a typical day to lose weight and helping to illustrate that „healthy“ looks different from person to person. You just have to find and eat what is ‚healthy‘ for you.

What 6 women did to lose more than 20 kilos?

One of the reasons why there is such hesitation during the weight loss journey is because we see countless people find success in certain diets and workout routines, but once you try it, it doesn’t produce the same or similar results. However, you must realize that this is not necessarily your fault. Instead, talk about the beauty and diversity of the human body – your human body.

Work with your body’s needs, not against them

The Jodi Friedman Story

Jodi, 44, transitioned to a low-carb, high-protein diet after battling weight gain caused by polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance. To date, she has lost 30 kilos.

„It is important to find a nutritionist who understands your health problems and supports your needs at mealtime.“

  • Breakfast: a protein bar with 20 grams of protein or more, plus a banana on training days.
  • Lunch: tuna salad with mixed vegetable salad and tomatoes with aged balsamic vinegar.
  • Snack: cucumber slices with a tablespoon of hummus.
  • Dinner: Slow cooker salmon or chicken with spinach or avocado.
  • Dessert: a frozen yogurt (child size).

Don’t do it alone

Jennifer Finney’s Story

After her husband’s doctor warned 41-year-old Jennifer about her weight, she felt like she had changed. With the help of her husband, she has been able to lose 36 kilos (and continues to lose) thanks to a plant-based diet and whole foods.

“We went from a diet of processed foods, fast food, and dining out two or three times a week to a whole-food, plant-based diet. We started eating like this from day one, and the weight started to fade. “

  • Breakfast: whole grain oatmeal with almond milk, peanut butter and pure maple syrup.
  • Post-workout snack: green smoothie with spinach and frozen fruit.
  • Lunch: Kale salad with hummus and rice vinegar, topped with fresh cucumbers, red bell peppers, and chickpeas or lentils.
  • Snack: apples with peanut butter.
  • Dinner: Pad-Thai-inspired dish with spaghetti squash instead of pasta.
  • After dinner snack: a piece of fruit.

Wellness is a journey, not a destination

Petrina Hamm’s story

Weight loss wasn’t really a priority for Petrina, 43, but that changed when she took on the Atkins diet with her sister. However, now she eats a more balanced diet (as you can see below) and has lost 45 kilos.

“Wear it one day at a time. A lot of people put too much focus at the end of the game. “

  • Breakfast: a healthy „Danish cheese“, made by mixing egg with cream cheese, sweetener and a pinch of cinnamon, along with bacon or sausage.
  • Lunch: Salad with full-fat blue cheese dressing, bacon bits, and diced chicken.
  • Dinner: steak with steamed broccoli and butter.
  • Snack: unsweetened peanut butter.

Note: you may want to skip the cheeses, and maybe be inspired at your breakfast to eat organic eggs and meat with some veggies and use a mild no-cheese dressing at lunch. As we have said, not all diets yield the same results for all people.

It’s never too late to make a change.

The Whitney Herrington Story

Do you know when people ask you if you feel different the day after your birthday, and the answer is usually no? Well, it’s 29-year-old Whitney’s 30th birthday, which has sparked her desire to finally start losing weight. After sticking to a low-carb, high-fat meal plan, she has been able to lose 30 kilos.

„I’ve been overweight my entire life, and I was determined not to get into my 30’s fat!“

  • Breakfast: fruit smoothie with a little spinach or kale and a scoop of protein.
  • Snack: low sugar granola bar.
  • Lunch: grilled chicken with homemade cauliflower rice.
  • Dinner: baked chicken with broccoli and brown rice.
  • Snack: ¼ cup unsalted and unroasted peanuts or cashews.

If you have to be technical, do it!

Anne Jongleux’s story

At 56, Anne has been through calorie counting, elimination diets, and more. But now she has something that works for her, a predominantly paleo diet. With a combination of lean protein, fresh produce, and healthy fats, Anne has lost more than 30 kilos.

„Weighting foods and counting calories was great in helping me readjust my ideas about portion size, but it’s not practical for an everyday lifestyle.“

  • Pre-workout breakfast: coffee and a banana or two coconut-covered dates.
  • Post-workout breakfast: coffee, a bowl of fruit, and two poached eggs.
  • Lunch: an apple with two tablespoons of almond butter and a few sticks of celery.
  • Snack: a stalk of bok choy (Chinese cabbage) and a carrot.
  • Dinner: Cobb salad with a few tweaks (turkey instead of ham and bacon, keep cheese and croutons, oil and vinegar aside).
  • Snack: cucumber slices or pickles.

Small changes can lead to big results

The Christian Ohonba story

For Christian, 30, a simple change in perspective at lunchtime changed his life. The moment she started treating food as her fuel instead of a treat, the extra pounds, all 30 of them, began to melt away. Although her journey has not been easy, Christian uses a calorie count and food diary to help hold her accountable.

„I live by the philosophy that weight loss brings greatness in all areas of life.“

  • Breakfast: salmon and mashed potatoes.
  • Snack: dairy-free pineapple yogurt.
  • Lunch: burrito with ground turkey, black beans and bell peppers.
  • Snack: can of tuna.
  • Dinner: steak with broccoli.

Now is the time for your weight loss story

You see? Sometimes healthy can still include a little bacon and chocolate! Whether you are trying to find a healthy balance in your life now or want to have it soon, we hope that your stories will help you make a difference in your own life.


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