Apple and celery smoothie to reduce the size

Do you want to say goodbye to the extra kilos? We tell you an effective, natural and simple way to do it and to reduce the size, you just have to have a lot of disposition and discipline to achieve your goals.

Benefits of celery to reduce size

One of the most consumed ingredients in creams and soups is celery, it is very healthy because much of its component is water, so it contains very low calories. Its other benefits are that it has a lot of calcium, regulates tension, balances the nervous system and also has potassium. It is a source of vitamins and minerals that are excellent for our body and to help us reduce the size of the abdomen, arms and legs.

Regulator of intestinal transit

Its fibers help prevent constipation, while serving as an anti-inflammatory. From what you can see, celery is a vegetable full of many virtues and it is the main reason why it should be missing from your daily diet. To eliminate excess fat, you can prepare a rich celery juice with apple. The calories are very low, just 88 and it will leave you so full that you will not want to snack before meals.

Celery and apple smoothie

To prepare a natural juice with which to reduce the size, we will need the following ingredients: look for 115 grams of celery, a peeled green apple cut into small squares, water and more celery to garnish. The celery, apple and water are blended until the consistency is solid and creamy. You can also add other ingredients, such as honey or stevia to sweeten and that’s it. Serve it chilled in a glass and enjoy.

When choosing celery, always keep in mind that its leaves look bright green and fresh. If they are wilted or yellow, leave them and look elsewhere because the taste will not be the same. For preservation in the fridge, put the branches in a transparent plastic bag. This way they will last much longer. You can read a little more about the best way to preserve food.

Benefits of celery

Celery is an ingredient that also gives a spectacular flavor to soups and even meat and chicken stews. Fish also takes on a delicious twist when cooked with celery. In addition, when it is incorporated into a drink, celery can accompany fruits and it is also very good with sweet flavors.

Thanks to celery you can return to your original size and in a tasty way. Say goodbye to the kilos that make you feel insecure, this vegetable is your great ally.

And if you want to be more detailed, with vegetables and fruits you can achieve a perfect figure. How?, Simple celery and apple are the perfect combination to get on the “line”.

Remember ingredients to get are:

A glass of water; half a green apple, a teaspoon of organic honey, a stalk of celery and ½ slice of pineapple. To ingest the drink, it is necessary to mix everything in the blender and strain it.

It is recommended to drink the drink on an empty stomach within a week. It is necessary to combine it with a balanced diet and an exercise routine for the effect to be quick and effective. However, ice can be added or taken as a snack, as long as the person wishes.


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