5 causes of being overweight that are not related to diet

If you are a person who has problems with being overweight but you are following a balanced diet, the most advisable thing is to visit the doctor. Being overweight is often associated with having a poor diet. However, this is not always the case since certain ailments or health conditions can cause being overweight.

Causes of overweight not linked to diet

To rule out possible conditions that are affecting your weight, it is necessary to perform analyzes. Here are some diseases that may be associated with your overweight problems.

1. The liver

The liver is the most vital organ in our body, as its complex functions are what allow us to live and enjoy good health. As this important organ begins to fail, it stops metabolizing nutrients well and the body begins to accumulate fat.

If there is fatter accumulated in the abdomen area, you maintain a balanced diet and you present the following symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately.


  • Very high blood sugar levels.
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Allergies
  • Joint pains
  • Skin conditions

2. The ovaries

When the ovaries are involved in obesity, it is because there is a hormonal imbalance. For some women, eating a balanced diet and exercising is not enough when hormones are the problem. These allow the carbohydrates consumed to become fat stores, causing considerable weight gain.

To corroborate if it is a malfunction of the ovaries, you should be attentive to the following symptoms.


  • Strong appetite for sweets and dairy.
  • Body mass increases despite good nutrition and physical activities.
  • Severe pain in the ovaries.
  • The increased weight occurs mostly in the lower body.

3. Thyroid

The hypothyroidism is hormonal problem more common in weight gain. This gland is in charge of controlling the speed with which our body uses energy. If it does not function efficiently, our body will use less energy than normal, which will make us gain weight.


  • Weight gain.
  • Cold intolerance.
  • Dryness of the skin
  • Muscular weakness.
  • Hair loss.

4. Adrenal Gland

It is likely that the overweight that affects you is related to an adrenal problem. Our adrenal glands are responsible for triggering reactions in the body that are like “flight or fight”. These are the natural reactions to an unfamiliar stressful situation. What does this have to do with being overweight?

Well, when our body is exposed to unknown situations or trauma, a hormonal imbalance is generated in our body. This causes failures in other physiological systems. Among these are those related to weight. This is not to mention that the adrenal glands are responsible for producing cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress. When cortisol is elevated it causes overweight in certain areas of the body.


  • Weight gain in the abdomen, leaving legs and arms out of proportion to the rest of the body.
  • Large face and neck.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Muscular weakness.
  • Sudden and constant mood swings.

5. Type 2 diabetes

The disease known as type 2 diabetes is another culprit for you being obese. This dysfunction causes an excessive accumulation of glucose in the body. The reason for this is due to the inability of our cells to introduce sugars into them to be burned. This inability is manifested by a resistance of our cells to insulin.

Those with type 2 diabetes are generally obese. In fact, 80% of those with type 2 diabetes are also overweight. Since the body has a quantity of carbohydrates that it does not burn, it tends to convert them into fat stores. These are distributed throughout the body, causing our size to increase.

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