Ways to use lemon with water to lose weight

Using lemon with water for weight loss is not about replacing meals with drink or starving yourself during the day and trying to compensate for hunger by drinking lemon water. It’s about swapping your high-calorie drinks for a low-calorie lemon water, which allows you to save between 200 and 1,000 calories per day. Of course, it is advisable that you follow a consistent diet also if you want to lose weight! But read on to learn important things about using lemon with water to lose kilos.

Why Use Lemon Water for Weight Loss Goals?

First, let’s start with the facts. In the Western lifestyle, we consume more calories per day than we need. On average, we consume about 3,600 calories a day. For most people, that’s at least 1,000 unnecessary calories per day. No wonder there is so much obesity.

However, it seems that this problem could easily be solved if one considers the fact that 21% of the calories consumed by the majority, comes from what they drink.

Indeed, the sugary drinks we all love, like juices and sodas, are packed with calories.  There’s no question about it: we need fluids to survive, but they should only account for about 10 percent (or less) of the calories we consume in a day.

We all know that we should consume about eight glasses of water a day, but it is also difficult to do. The water has no taste. It may pale in comparison to a soda or other beverage.

However, using lemon with water not only makes your drink tastier, it can also start processes in your body that help you lose weight.

Proper diet along with lemon water for more results

Now, having said that, we already know that drinking lemon water is an incredible weight loss tool, however using lemon with water will need support to help you lose weight.

Add more whole foods while reducing your intake of unhealthy processed foods. Eating healthier with the combination of lemon water can help you lose weight.

Drinking lemon water can increase your digestion and change your taste buds, helping you crave more nutritious whole foods. Eating more nutrient-dense foods can help daily use lemon with water to help your body more effectively.

Do you see how eating healthy and drinking lemon water can lead to weight loss?

Ways to use lemon with water to lose weight

The following is a protocol that you can use as a reference to know how to use lemon with water or lemon water in 15 days to achieve greater efficiency and better results to lose weight while you do it. We start with day one through 15. The honey in these recipes is optional.

Day 1: Mix a glass of water with a squeezed lemon and drink it immediately after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach.

Day 2: Mix two glasses of water with two squeezed lemons. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

Day 3: Mix 3 glasses of water with three squeezed lemons and add a little honey. Take half of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and the other half before lunch.

Day 4: Mix the juice of 4 lemons with four glasses of water and a little honey. Take this mixture three times a day before meals. (Separate the mixture into three parts).

Day 5: Mix the juice of 5 lemons with 5 glasses of water and honey. Divide the mixture into 3 parts and drink it before each meal.

Day 6: Mix 6 glasses with water and the juice of six lemons adding a little honey. Consume the mixture three times a day before meals.

Day 7: Mix 10 glasses of water with the juice of just 3 lemons. Consume it three times a day before meals.

Day 8: Mix 6 glasses with water and the juice of six lemons adding a little honey. Consume the mixture three times a day before meals.

Day 9: Mix the juice of 5 lemons with 5 glasses of water and honey. Consume it 3 times a day as before.

Day 10: Mix the juice of 4 lemons with four glasses of water and a little honey. Consume it 3 times a day as before.

Day 11: Mix the juice of 3 lemons with 3 cups of water. Add a teaspoon of honey and take it twice a day on an empty stomach.

Day 12: Mix the juice of 2 lemons with 2 glasses of water and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Day 13: Mix the juice of a lemon and a glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

Day 14: Mix 10 glasses of water with 3 lemons. Add a tablespoon of honey. Consume it three times a day.

After 14 days drink a glass of lemon water every morning indefinitely.

Also take the lemon with water to eliminate toxins

  1. Drink a glass of warm water with a lemon wedge when you wake up. Sip it like tea.
  2. In a food processor, puree a whole lemon into a small jar and add water. The pectin in the peel is an excellent source of fiber, which helps prevent the body from absorbing sugar quickly. Pectin also helps eliminate cravings. Drinking water with a whole lemon for weight loss is a great way to accelerate weight loss and detoxify the body.
  3. Mix the puree or a lemon wedge with tea and organic apple cider vinegar to help maximize weight loss. Apple cider vinegar and lemon help you lose weight faster. Some of the best lemon weight loss teas are green tea and oolong tea. Use a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar with tea once or twice a day.

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