The 5 biggest lies about weight loss

The beauty and fashion industry are full of weight loss half-truths, misleading information, scams, and lies. Here are the 10 biggest lies you’ll hear when you’re trying to lose weight.

1. The covers of women’s magazines

There are some good magazines, but about 90% of the bodies you see on magazine covers are retouched, and their attention headlines are full of lies. Women’s health and wellness magazines are the most misleading.
Headlines like „Weight Loss In 3 Days“ or „10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt Very Fast“ are placed on the cover to sell magazines. They are usually accompanied by a celebrity who recently lost a bit of weight.

The truth: they are talking about what you want to hear, so they induce the purchase of the magazine. There is nothing quick and easy about transforming your body and your life. Don’t let these magazines confuse or frustrate you.

2. Weight loss is eating less and exercising more

Many tell people that eating 1,200 calories a day and an hour or more of cardio will help them lose weight. But in practice this does not happen. Unfortunately, this scenario is more common than you think. Weight loss is a function of negative energy balance over time. However, a negative energy balance is not created automatically by eating less and moving more.

This is because your metabolism that has already adapted to increase the concentration of fat and calorie reduction may even be fast, but your body will complain of symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness and an exaggerated hunger will accompany you. You can lose weight quickly for a while, but you will surely gain weight later.

The truth: weight loss has to be sustainable, it all comes down to eating well and correctly, this allows you to lose weight effectively through exercise, remember the biggest goal of your diet is to improve your physical health, therefore it will also be improving your emotional health

3. You need to create a daily deficit of 500 calories to lose one pound.

We have all heard that there are approximately 3,500 calories in a pound. On this basis, the standard advice is to eat 500 calories a day less than losing 1 kg a week. Luckily for us, that mathematics is not always transfer to the real world.

The problem with this advice is that they start these diets and end up consuming fewer calories than necessary and the system does not support this drastic reduction, in this way, they end up eating much more the next day, effectively reducing their calorie intake and then recovering it the next day. day.

The truth: Even a small reduction in food intake can cause significant weight loss.  Often a reduction of 100 calories a day is enough to see the rate of weight loss continue progressively.

4. Recommended foods to lose weight

This is the standard measure, it is generally 5 to 6 small meals, or 3 meals and 2-3snacks. There is nothing inherently wrong with this advice, but it is simply examining the fact that the vast majority of the population do not have how to introduce these types of foods into your lifestyle.

The good news is, it makes no difference whether you get 2,000 calories from 5 meals or 2,000 calories from 3 meals. At the end of the day, you are still eating 2000 calories and creating the same calorie deficit.
The truth: when deciding on the frequency of meals, you should choose the one that you will be able to continue using for a long period of time. Eating 6 meals a day is not the best option for you, if it causes you stress trying to adjust the schedules and find a meal for each hour, you end up with giving up your eating plan.

5. Losing fat in a certain area with target exercise

Losing weight in one part of the body is a myth that never seems to go out of style. All loss programs are based on the concept of fighting fat in specific areas. I wish it were that easy. Unfortunately, we cannot choose where the fat will be located, and we have no way of choosing where so much fat will go in our body.

The truth: fat loss is systemic, not localized. Combining a quality diet that maintains a calorie deficit with a balanced exercise program is the only way to lose fat from all of these problem areas.


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