How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your House? 11 Effective Ant Killer Recipes


Mint is another natural way to repel ants from your property. Both mint leaves and mint oil are effective against ants. To use mint as a repellent, crush a few fresh mint leaves and place them in areas where ants frequently gather.

You can also mix mint oil with water and spray it on areas where you think ants will pass through.

Bay Leaves

Bay leaves are another effective way to repel ants from your home. Crush some bay leaves and place them around areas where you believe that ants may be entering your property, such as near doors or windowsills.

Alternatively, you can sprinkle dried bay leaves around these entry points or use them as a ground cover around plants that are susceptible to damage from lawnmowers or other gardening equipment.

Peppermint Oil

The smell of peppermint oil repels ants, so it is a good idea to spray some around where you see ants.

You can also spray it directly on the ant itself and then let it dry before touching anything else with that same hand. It will kill the ant quickly and leave no mess behind.


Ants don’t like vinegar either, so if you find yourself with a lot of ants in one spot, pour some vinegar into the hole or crack where they are coming from and wait for them to leave. They won’t come back as long as there is vinegar around.

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your House

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