How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your House? 11 Effective Ant Killer Recipes

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Ants make their living by snatching bits of food left around the house and taking it back to the nest. Since they regularly come into your home, you can find them near your kitchen and bathroom. You may find ants in other rooms too, but they usually stick close to the kitchen cupboards when they are foraging for food. After all, that is where most of your food and sweet-smelling items are stored.

Getting rid of ants is a hard task, especially if you have to do it on your own. However, there are some simple and efficient steps you can follow.

The Types of Ants in the House

The first step how to get rid of ants in the house is to make sure you know what kind of ants you are dealing with. Ants are not the same, despite their similar appearance. Knowing which type you have can guide you in how to get rid of ants in the house faster.

The most common types of ants are the pavement ants and the red fire ants. Pavement ants are dark brown or black and have lighter abdomen that is almost white in color. Red fire ants, on the other hand, are bright red in color with black legs and heads.

What Attracts Ants In The House?

If you have an ant infestation, you probably don’t give a thought to what attracts them into your home in the first place. They’re not going to come in from the cold even if they have wings to fly away. No, the reason they’re invading your house is that there are “alluring” elements that attract them. After a little research, you’ll discover that:

Ants can enter your home through small openings around windows and doors or by traveling through cracks in the walls.

They are attracted by food sources such as crumbs on the floor, pet food dishes, and unfinished food scraps in the garbage disposal. Spilled sugar can also attract ants because it provides an energy source for them.

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your House
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