Things a Woman With a Slow Metabolism Should do to Burn Fat

Is the needle on your scale pointed in the wrong direction? Are you frustrated that all the things that helped you lose weight before are not working now? Are you „starving“, and see no results? Your metabolic rate has likely slowed down. It’s not your fault – most of us don’t know why we suddenly have a slow metabolism or how to increase it. Let’s find out.

What is Metabolism?

Your metabolism, or metabolic rate, is the rate at which your body burns calories. (Calories are the energy your body uses to function.) This rate is typically measured at rest, hours after you’ve eaten, so know your baseline.

Once you know this number, you can better figure out how to reach your weight goals.  Think of it as your income when budgeting – you decide how much to eat (spend) based on your price.

You are born with the genes that you inherit, so a large part of your metabolic rate is fixed. When you gain weight, you actually increase your metabolic rate, as more energy is required to burn off the extra pounds you have put on. As you lose weight, your metabolism begins to slow, making it harder to keep losing. You need all the perks to win the weight loss „war“.

Things a woman with a slow metabolism should do to burn fat

It’s simple, it’s a matter of having the necessary knowledge about how your body works and that is enough to put the following points into practice if your slow metabolism is wreaking havoc with your weight.

1. Eat less carbohydrates

You need to lower your carbohydrates to increase that slow metabolism. Most of us get about 55% of our daily calories from carbohydrates. If you’re eating 2,000 calories a day, which is between 250 and 300 grams of carbohydrates, that’s too much if you’re trying to keep your metabolism higher. Even if you’re cutting calories and consuming 1,200 calories a day, 55% will put you on 165 grams of carbs.

Research shows that to maximize your metabolism, you need to keep carbohydrates between 10 and 20 percent of calories a day. That’s 50-100 grams for a 2000 calorie diet and 30-60 grams when you’re down on 1200.

You gain up to 100 calories a day of metabolic power when you make these changes. That adds to 40 grams a week as soon as you make those changes. If that doesn’t sound like a lot, it’s almost 6 kilos a year – ask yourself: would you rather gain or lose that between now and next year?

2. Do strength training

Aerobic exercise speeds up a slow metabolism. Running, elliptical, cycling, Zumba, etc., is essential for long-term heart health, good mood, blood sugar control, and weight control.  Strength training, on the other hand, builds muscle, and muscle burns calories better than fat.

How much is better? Muscle burns about six calories per pound versus 2 for fat. Not much for a pound, but it turns 20 pounds of fat into muscle, and you’re burning 80 more calories a day. Muscle also helps reduce insulin resistance, a sign of pre-diabetes.

What kind of strength training should you do? Start with push-ups (or push-ups), planks, and pull-ups (or pull-ups). If the military-style push-ups are too difficult, start with either of two modifications: knees on the floor or against a wall.

The plank is challenging so only do it if you have tried it before. Consult your fitness expert at a local gym. Pull-ups require you to install a barbell if you do it at home. For all three exercises, build strength by doing three sets a day. Alternate days in and out with aerobic exercise.

Yoga and Pilates are two wonderful ways to build strength and lean muscle while stretching and cultivating focus and mindfulness.

3. Do you have low testosterone?

Men burn kilo-per-kilo calories at a faster rate than women. Unfair? Maybe yes, but why the advantage? Men have significantly more muscle compared to fat than women, and the biggest reason is testosterone. Men typically have 10-20 times more testosterone than women, and this hormone is essential for building muscle.

Some people are low in testosterone and need support. In many cases, testosterone will naturally increase as a result of fat loss, as fat converts testosterone to estrogen. Either way, watch your testosterone level if you have trouble losing weight and gaining muscle.

4. Drink green tea or coffee

Caffeine is healthy in moderate doses. Coffee and green tea are excellent sources of both caffeine and antioxidants. EGCG is another antioxidant in green tea that has been shown to help the body burn fat. Drink 3-4 cups of green tea and 1-2 cups of coffee a day. Look for organic and good quality products, and only consume them if they do not leave you with side effects.

5. Intensify your training to break down your slow metabolism

The Exercise of High Intensity Intervals (HIIT) does a better job of burning calories by the amount of time you are exercising. Building in minute bursts of running on the treadmill or faster speed on the elliptical will increase fat burning and lead to excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or COPD. COPD means that your body continues to burn calories after training.

6. Take glutamine

Glutamine, an important amino acid, helps maintain levels of human growth hormone, an essential factor in muscle growth.

Exercising can deplete glutamine levels, so supplementing with two teaspoons a day is recommended. Glutamine is also good for the digestive system, repairs leaky gut, and reduces sweet cravings.


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