How to lose weight after 40

With age many things come: greater wisdom; deeper empathy; a greater sense of knowing who you are; And something not as good as the others: the very real possibility of a bigger pants size. Read on to find out how to lose weight after 40, because hope, and especially health, should never die. Read the following tips.

How to lose weight after 40?

From the age of 40, it is easier than ever for the kilos to continue to advance and it is more difficult to remove them. Thanks to a slower metabolism, you could be burning 300 fewer calories per day than in your early 20s.

Additionally, decreased estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause (beginning in your early 40s) can cause insulin sensitivity, making it difficult for your body to control the amount of sugar in your blood.

This can make your blood sugar levels more likely to spike and then drop as well, which can increase your need for a snack, especially high-carb sugary junk.

Put it all together, and it’s no wonder many women over 40 end up hitting a weight loss wall. It does not have to be like that. With a few smart moves, you can outsmart your slowed metabolism and lose weight, forever.

Ask yourself why you want to lose weight right now

Those who are most successful in losing weight after 40 do so when they have a very clear reason why they want to. Maybe you’ve been watching the scale gain a pound or two each year and are ready to ignore bad habits, or your doctor has caught your eye and it’s time to get serious about the impact of your weight and your overall health.

Remember the golden rules of weight loss after 40

Sure, some things change after 40. But the basics of successful weight loss remain the same, no matter how old you are. Before taking steps to test your age on your diet plan, it’s a good idea to go over the basics.

1. You need to eat less by cutting your portions

When it comes to losing weight, what really moves the needle is always a change in diet. It doesn’t matter if all you eat is rotisserie chicken, brown rice, and broccoli. If you don’t reduce your portions, you won’t lose weight. Everyone’s calorie needs are different, but in general, a woman who eats 2,000 calories per day should aim to cut 400 to 500 calories.

2. You should aim to lose half to a kilo per week

Those tempting plans to lose weight considerably per week are tempting. But the slow and steady approach is more sustainable, as you are more likely to develop healthy habits (like exercising more and eating more vegetables) that will help you stay slim in the long run.

3. Skipping meals will throw your metabolism out of control

When you skip breakfast or dinner, you tell your body to cut calories instead of burning them. Skipping meals also increases the chances that your blood sugar level will drop, leaving you craving for a quick burst of energy in the form of sugary carbohydrates.

Rethink your nutrients from age 40

Keeping your carbohydrates in check, especially refined ones, can help fight age-related insulin resistance and promote consistent blood sugar levels. Adding more protein to your diet can also help. Not only does the nutrient help prevent age-related muscle loss, it also helps keep your metabolism racing, because the body has to work harder to digest it than, say, a muffin. The amount of each nutrient that you consume each time you eat is also important. In a perfect world every meal and snack should have:

  • Vegetables or Fruits: Fill half your plate with these. They are high in fiber and water, so they will take up a lot of space in your stomach without adding too many calories to your diet.
  • Lean protein: Your plate should have a serving the size of your palm. Good sources include Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, and fish.
  • Complex carbohydrates: Your plate should have a portion the size of your clenched fist. Whole grains, beans, nuts, and starchy vegetables (like sweet potatoes) are good choices.
  • Healthy fats– These can add up quickly when you’re trying to lose weight, so it’s worth measuring your fats. Aim for 7-10 grams each time you eat. That’s 1 ½ teaspoon of olive oil, a quarter of an avocado, or two tablespoons of nuts or seeds.

Keep all types of carbohydrates under control

When you’re 40 or older, it’s not just white bread, pasta, and sugar that you need to look at; you also need to monitor your intake of healthy carbohydrates like fruits and whole grains. Don’t cut out healthy carbs entirely, but add them to the recommended serving sizes.

Eat fewer calories, more often

Increased insulin resistance can make you feel hungrier. Dividing your meal into three moderate-sized meals and one or two small snacks will keep your blood sugar levels steady while fighting the urge to nibble on junk. Stocking your plate with more low-calorie, high-volume foods, like fruits and vegetables, can also help you fill up.

Be selective with your treats

Sadly, after 40 you can’t stop eating hamburgers and chocolate shakes like you did when you were 20 and hope to lose weight. But you can still enjoy your favorite foods. You may need to save them for when you really have a craving and say goodbye to the goodies that fall lower on your list of cravings.

Instead of mindlessly diving into that bag of potato chips just because it’s there, think about what would really satisfy you. Is it the French fries or are you really craving something more? If you decide that the potatoes are worth the calories, then serve yourself a small portion and savor each bite. (That means you don’t mindlessly chew in front of the TV.)

As for how often you should indulge yourself: Every person is different and it really depends on their weight loss goals. So, find out what works for you. Some women do well with a 100 to 150 calorie per day treatment, but others find they need to stick to it two to three times a week.

Take care of your alcohol consumption

Alcohol counts as a pleasure, so don’t get carried away and try to consume low-calorie alcoholic beverages. Two to four glasses of wine per week could be put into a weight loss program. Just make an effort to stick to the recommended five-ounce serving size, as it can be easy to serve when you’re not paying attention. And yes, if you enjoy a glass with dinner, it means you should skip that piece of chocolate for dessert.

Move more if you’re already 40

It’s hard to lose weight on diet alone, especially after 40, when hormones like testosterone tend to wane. As a result, calorie-burning muscle mass, along with the number of calories your body burns during exercise, begins to plummet.

Getting the recommended 30 minutes of daily activity is a good start, but now is the time to increase activities even more by working on at least 10,000 steps daily. Adding four to five weekly resistance training sessions can help you maintain your muscle mass and burn even more calories.

But a common mistake is jumping straight into an intense exercise regimen. That’s the worst thing you can do because it increases your risk of injury. Brisk walking, on the other hand, helps you lose weight and keeps you pain free.

Know yourself, and be honest

Being over 40 doesn’t automatically mean that you now have to cut out certain foods to lose weight (or stay), unless you know deep down that a food is really getting in the way of your goals. If having a square of chocolate leads to eating a whole bag of chocolate, having a square of chocolate doesn’t work for you.

In other words? If certain foods seem to open the floodgates for you without fail, you’d better steer clear and stick with non-binge-eating treats. It can feel very heavy to follow at first. But instead of seeing it as a deprivation, reframe your decision as a choice, and a positive decision. Recognize that these foods do not work for you and the health goals that are important.

Lastly, keep in mind that the weight loss strategies that work best for you may change in the future. If your progress starts to stall, consider changing parts of your diet or fitness plan. Our bodies like a challenge.

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