9 steps to lose weight in your bedroom

Most of us think that the best place to lose weight is the gym: in the midst of muscular personal trainers, lifting their hands and legs amid a world of diverse weights. Others will say that running, cycling and triathlon are excellent for losing a few kilos; while nutritionists, dietitians, suppliers of organic products, will say that diet is the best way to lose those extra kilos. But very few knew that weight loss success comes from a completely unnoticed area: the bedroom.

No, it doesn’t mean that you have to be making love every night for this goal, (although if you want to try, check out our article, Foods to Increase Libido , to give you some ideas.) But you can definitely sleep to be slender. In fact, no matter how many pounds you aim to lose, how many miles you run, what diet you do, you won’t get anywhere near your weight loss goals, unless you’re also getting enough quality sleep.

8 steps to lose weight in your bedroom

A recent study found that a period of sleep below normal could undermine weight loss by up to 55 percent. The good news is that just a few simple adjustments to your routine at night can mean weight loss success. So, open your eyes: Here are eight science-backed tips for losing weight in the bedroom.

1. Test your sleep switch

Don’t count sheep, eat lamb, (or better yet, some turkey.) The amino acid tryptophan, which is found in some or most meats, has been shown to have powerful sleep-inducing effects. A recent study in patients with insomnia found that just 1/4 gram of this amino acid, which can be found in a skinless chicken thigh or three ounces of lean turkey meat, was enough to significantly increase hours of sleep. deep sleep. And that can translate into weight loss more easily.

Researchers found that dieters consumed 6 percent fewer calories when they got a good night’s sleep. For someone on the 2,000-calorie diet, which is 120 calories a day, it could amount to nearly a pound of weight loss in a month. The National Sleep Foundation suggests seven to eight hours of sleep for most adults.

2. Have a low sodium dinner to lose weight

If you want to wake up feeling less bloated, definitely skip eating a very salty dinner. What happens is the salt remains in the body during the night, so you wake up more bloated than you normally would. The best option is to prepare a healthy meal of steamed vegetables and lean protein, neither of which should be loaded with salt.

3. Do a night workout

You know that sweating can help you shed pounds, but you may think that exercising too close to bedtime can keep you awake at night. Fortunately, that is not true; A 2013 survey found that active people are 56 to 67 percent more likely to say they generally get a good night’s sleep, no matter what time of day they get it.

4. Drink lots of water

The water drains your system which helps get rid of any water that you are holding. But since you don’t want to be up all night running to the bathroom, (and getting quality sleep is crucial for weight loss), it is suggested not to drink water an hour before bedtime.

5. Make sure your bedroom is super dark

The hormone melatonin can help your body produce more brown fat than it burns calories, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Pineal Research. Since your body already produces melatonin when you are in complete darkness, make sure your room is light-free to increase weight loss.

6. Lower the thermostat before going to sleep

The idea of ​​burning more calories while you sleep may sound too good to be true, but found that people who slept in an 18 °C room burned seven percent more calories than people who slept at 23 degrees. Seven percent is not a ton, but it doesn’t hurt.

7. Fill your space with essences

Certain smells can make your mouth water, and others can actually suppress your appetite. A study found that people who inhaled peppermint every two hours lost an average of 2 kilos per month. With the banana, green apple, and vanilla they had similar effects. Consider burning a peppermint candle near your bed to fill the room with these scents. If you don’t want to worry about leaving candles burning overnight, try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your pillow.

8. Wear blue at night

There’s a reason why certain hamburger chains have the same logo colors: red and yellow. Those tones supposedly send us subliminal messages that help us create hunger. An experiment published in the interior decorating magazine, Contract, featured partygoers with three identical venues painted in different colors: red, yellow, and blue. Participants reported that the red and yellow rooms were equally palatable (and ate the most in the yellow room), but found that of the food offered to eat in the blue room, only half found them palatable. Changing the color in your bedroom can be a great idea because, once you enter it, it will be difficult for the refrigerator to call you and distract you from your goal of sleeping.

9. Hide the iPad

Research suggests that the more electronics we bring into the bedroom, the more we tend to gain weight – especially among children. A study found that children who spend their time in the glare of a television or computer at night, do not get enough rest and suffer from poor lifestyle habits. Researchers found that students with access to an electronic device were 1.47 times more likely to be overweight than children with no device in the bedroom. That increased to 2.57 times for children with three devices. Leave your iPad in the living room while you go to bed.

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